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31-08-2020 20:08:45
The Rock Gods of old! If legend be true. Bonzo, Baker, Peart, Moon, I call on you! These beats give me power, my screams are for you! Mr Grohl is a LEGEND, it’s an honour to battle you! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST ROCK BATTLE IN THE HISTORY OF ROCK!!! Oh it’s ON!!! #teamnandi #teamgrohl #drumbattle #foofighters #davegrohl #ledzeppelin #cream #themcrookedvultures #rockgods #thor #gingerbaker #johnbonham #keithmoon #neilpeart #thewho #rush #thewhiteroom #immigrantsong @foofighters @davestruestories @ledzeppelin @josh.homme @queensofthestoneage @johnpauljonesofficial @creambandofficial @jimmypage @robertplantofficial @ericclapton @jackblack

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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25-06-2020 16:06:38
A Live que vai parar Uberlândia/MG e o Brasil. 04 de Julho (sábado) às 21:30! Aguardem mais informações! INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL: https://goo.gl/8rlBhZ Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) 9 9109-9766 comercial@maiaraemaraisa.com.br #MaiaraeMaraisa #AquiEmUberlandia Ouça ou baixe o EP "Aqui em Casa": 👉 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2L73yL2BUVtnwlEVr4AJHH 👉 Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/br/album/139957832?app_id=140685&utm_source=partner_linkfire&utm_campaign=de15fcd68736f852eadb866dba8e8560&utm_medium=Original&utm_term=objective-stream&utm_content=album-139957832 👉 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/br/album/1506313015?uo=4&app=music&at=1l3vpUI&ct=LFV_de15fcd68736f852eadb866dba8e8560&lId=21710294&cId=none&sr=3&src=Linkfire&itscg=30440&itsct=catchall_p3 👉 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com.br/albums/B086RDVWQ5 👉 Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/album/136393279?awc=17117_1587132183_24fa6a11dfea0ecd7d576cdda2502dfd&utm_source=AWIN&utm_medium=316451&utm_campaign=Linkfire&utm_term=Generic_TextLink 👉 Napster: https://br.napster.com/artist/maiara-and-maraisa/album/ai-eu-bebo-ao-vivo 👉 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Maiara_e_Mara%C3%ADsa_Aqui_Em_Casa_Ao_Vivo?id=Boegixko64xypbxomysjiu4pvl4&PCamRefID=LFV_de15fcd68736f852eadb866dba8e8560

Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos: 9.930.000 | Vídeos: 236

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07-05-2020 21:05:57
🥁 Want to star in a music video with me? 🥁 I’ve teamed up with Argos to teach you how to drum from home. You don’t even need a professional kit, we’ll show you how to make your own with bits and bobs around your house! Keep watching the lessons on their youtube channel to find out how you could be in the music video with me! #DrumFromHome #ad

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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07-05-2020 21:05:46
🥁 Want to star in a music video with me? 🥁 I’ve teamed up with Argos to teach you how to drum from home. You don’t even need a professional kit, we’ll show you how to make your own with bits and bobs around your house! Keep watching the lessons on their youtube channel to find out how you could be in the music video with me! #DrumFromHome #ad

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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18-10-2019 14:10:59
INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL: https://goo.gl/8rlBhZ Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) (62) 9 9944-3121 comercial@maiaraemaraisa.com.br #MaiaraeMaraisa Ouça ou baixe \"Aí Eu Bebo\": 👉 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6xWyByyXTcL2MUSi0mKewj 👉 Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/br/album/113776082?app_id=140685 👉 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/br/album/1482706179?app=music&lId=cd46ad77-089f-4f97-a798-d2f5349926a4&cId=none&src=Linkfire&sr=3&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 👉 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com.br/albums/B07YQMQFV2 👉 Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/track/119537816 👉 Napster: https://br.napster.com/artist/maiara-and-maraisa/album/ai-eu-bebo-ao-vivo 👉 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Maiara_Maraisa_A%C3%AD_Eu_Bebo_Ao_Vivo?id=B6pnlvyiktxxyykjsck7eyeqqxi&PCamRefID=LFV_4d644a0f0656255db8c570919e8c648b 👉 Ouça ou baixe o álbum REFLEXO: https://SomLivre.lnk.to/Reflexo_Ao_Vivo Aí Eu bebo [ Letra ] Composição: Paulinha Gonçalves/ Alcebias Flausino/ Matheus Mattos/ Arthur Castro/ Kauã Rodrigues Deu sexta-feira de novo Já sei aonde isso vai dar É dia de chopp em dobro Sei lá se eu vou aguentar Ficar sem beber, ficar sem ligar Ficar sem chorar a a a a Aí eu bebo E fico tonto Lembro de nada Nem do meu nome Esqueço tudo Quase tudo Só não esqueço Seu telefone Aí eu ligo, ligo, ligo, ligo Não me atende e eu só bico, bico, bico

Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos: 9.930.000 | Vídeos: 236

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30-11-2020 15:11:42
#MaiaraeMaraisa #PegueiRanço INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL: https://goo.gl/8rlBhZ Para shows: (62) 3241-7163 / (62) 9 9109-9766 comercial@maiaraemaraisa.com.br Ouças em todas as plataformas de áudio: [ Letra ] Compositores: Cristhyan Ribeiro/ Nuto Artioli/ Gui Artioli Quem me vê assim nem pensa que eu já fui da noite Não resistia a um cheiro de bagunça* Ficava dois, três dias fora de casa solta Perdida na rua Adormeceu o meu lado do mal Ele despertou o bem em mim Fez esquecer o meu passado banal E na vidinha sem futuro ele pois um fim Eu peguei ranço daquela vida torta A bagunceira hoje se comporta Virou pro certo quem tava do avesso Troquei mil bocas pelo mesmo beijo Eu peguei ranço daquela vida torta A bagunceira hoje se comporta Chegava tarde agora durmo cedo Troquei pulseira de balada por anel no dedo Produção de vídeo: Calangos Filmes MAIARA E MARAISA: Spotify | https://spoti.fi/3gMfxPE Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/maiaraemaraisa Twitter | https://twitter.com/MaiaraeMaraisa Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/maiaraemaraisaoficial

Maiara e Maraisa | Inscritos: 9.930.000 | Vídeos: 236

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21-07-2020 16:07:53
I LOVE@Green Day! I really enjoy jamming out to punk songs! Lots of energy, I can just let it all out. Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt and Tré Cool loving your work! Basket Case is awesome! #punk #greenday

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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03-05-2020 13:05:15
On the menu this week! @arcticmonkeys #brianstorm is a LOT of fun to play, I can totally lose myself in this tune. Loving your beats @matthelders! #arcticmonkeys #matthelders @alexturnered #alexturner #jamiecook #nickomalley #ludwig #zildjian #vicfirth @zildjiancompany @ludwigdrumshq @vicfirth @roland.artists #rolandgomixer

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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13-12-2020 09:12:37
I am so proud @Lenny Kravitz and @Nate Smith Music presented me with my EPIC new Custom @LudwigDrumsHQ Legacy Mahogany Drums! The first time I played this type of kit was when I jammed with Lenny at the O2 Arena in London. #LennyKravitz #Ludwig #NateSmith #EPIC

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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09-11-2020 19:11:08
Meeting Mr. Grohl was one of the best experiences of my life! Dave Grohl is so awesome, kind and friendly! I cant believe he wants to write a song with me and asked me to perform on stage with the @Foo Fighters! How EPIC is that! Thank you @NYTimes for organising the meeting! I cant wait to see what Mr. Grohl is planning next!

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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19-10-2020 10:10:21
When preparing for battle you must always consider all possible outcomes. When @natesmithdrums, one of the greatest #jazz drummers of all time dropped his stick he created an amazingly #EPIC drum solo! I have been practicing one handed solos just incase I lose a stick in my future battles! @natesmithdrums you are incredible! Thank you for supporting me @ludwigdrumshq @ludwigdrums_uk @vicfirth @zildjiancompany #ludwigdrums #vicfirth #zildjian #zildjiancymbals #nate #natesmith #drum #drums #drumming #drummer #drummergirl #girldrummer #superdrummer #drumlife #cymbal #drumuniversity #percussion #femaledrummer #femaledrummers #drumfamily #batterie #percussão #baterista #blackgirlmagic #zildjiancovers

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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11-10-2020 17:10:00
I am so proud to receive my first @YouTube creator award! Thank you to everyone who subscribed to my channel! I really appreciated your love and support. With love and respect to everyone. Nandi

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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21-02-2021 13:02:21
I have always LOVED the Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is one of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands. @Red Hot Chili Peppers! Thank you Flea, Chad, John and Anthony

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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10-10-2020 10:10:48
I hope this will bring a #smile to your face today. We always have #music! I really like this song called #fixyou by @Coldplay . The buildup at the end really get me flowing! With #love and #respect to you all, have an #awesome day ❤️🙏🏽✊🏽🤟🏽🥁👧🏽#coldplay #chrismartin #willchampion #jonnybuckland #guyberryman #philharvey #indie #indierock #indierockmusic - Thank you for supporting me: @LudwigDrumsHQ @Avedis Zildjian Company @Vic Firth #ludwigdrums #zildjiancymbals #zildjian #vicfirth #ludwig

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183

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10-10-2022 10:10:06
What brings you joy? When I am not making music, I love to garden and cook. Today is world mental health awareness day. Please, do something today that brings you joy and share it with the world! If you include my song The Shadows in your reel I will share in my stories. My pasta dish is very simple, organic, homegrown, tomatoes, chilli and basil pasta with brought onions and garlic. I like it spicy. #worldmentalhealthday #joy #happy #happiness #garden #gardening #tomatoes #pasta #pastarecipe #basil #theshadows #gardeninspiration #vegetarian #cooking #cook #love #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #organic #homegrown #homegrownveggies #spicy #pastaqueen #pastalover

Nandi Bushell | Inscritos: 440.000 | Vídeos: 183